Legal advice

I purchased a car and ownership rights were registered in my name. The car was insured under OSTA and the insurance was valid for another half a year. A few months after the purchase, I was in an accident in which I was to blame. But despite the fact that OSTA insurance was still valid, the insurance company requires money from me, which it paid to the victim. How can I protect my rights? 22.03.2010 Few days ago I found out that the equity capital has been increased in a company (limited liability company) where I used to own 50% of the capital without my participation. As a result my part in that company reduced to 10%. What shall I do in the current situation? Is it possible to appeal against the decision of the Register of Enterprises in respect of increasing equity capital, which I believe is illegal? 19.03.2010 I would like to establish a limited liability company and pay-up the equity capital by property contribution. What kind of property can be contributed to the equity capital of LLC and how the valuation of material contribution shall be carried-out, as well as in what cases will I need the help of experts for valuating the material contribution? 18.03.2010 On what grounds can I apply to the court to declare myself a bankrupt? 18.03.2010 I am the guarantor of a loan for an apartment in Hanzabank. The loan was taken in the amount of 100,000 euros, it is paid regularly and without complaints, but the problem is this: due to the fact that I am the guarantor, they no longer give me any loans at all, and when the borrower asked the bank to write me out of the guarantors list, he was refused. In short, everything turns out so that now he can only add guarantors, but the bank does not allow replacing or writing out the guarantors. Is it possible somehow to legally solve this problem? 18.03.2010 A son of majority age has left among heirs after the death of my daughter. The estate she left consists of an apartment mortgaged in the bank and a bank account. Will my grandson have to pay off the mortgage if he accepts the inheritance? 11.03.2010 I want to buy a garage for my son. He’s married. How to make an entry in the Land Register so that the garage is deemed his own private property. I don’t want to execute this transaction in two stages, i.e. to register myself as the owner and then make the property over to my son by means of the gift. Is there a way to make this transaction in one go? I don’t want to ask the wife of my son to sign any documents. 10.03.2010 A company that I work for doesn’t pay salaries for a few months. According to unofficial information, the owner of the company plans to submit application for initiation of the insolvency proceedings. What are the chances to receive unpaid salary, if the company will be declared bankrupt? 10.03.2010 We sat and drank tea in the kitchen, and suddenly we heard that something had flashed in the room, and then it started to explode, we ran into the room and saw that the computer was on fire, then the microwave. I called an emergency crew. They arrived and said that the zero wire has burnt in the panel (where the electric meters are) in the staircase. I asked them to prepare the act, as I have to take it to the insurance company (I thought we had insurance), and they said that the act will be given to me on Monday (it happened on Saturday). As a result, I never received any act. What should I do, how to recover losses if the apartment was not insured? 05.03.2010 My ex-husband lives in the UK. He invited to visit our common daughter (11 years old) for a spring holidays. Most likely she will have to fly alone, because I will not be able to accompany her because of a lot of work. Can a child fly alone, will she have problems? 05.03.2010
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