Legal advice

Is it possible to change the statutes of the foundation, and if so, how this can be done? 10.06.2010 07.06.2010 Would it be possible to limit the right of signature of a member of the SIA board in the statutes, for example, to prohibit the conclusion of certain transactions or exceed the amount of transactions, will such a restriction be valid? 07.06.2010 On July 1, amendments to the Immigration Law come into force in Latvia, expanding the possibilities for obtaining a residence permit for foreigners who wish to reside in Latvia and move freely in the Schengen area. What new was added to the law by these changes, what are the new opportunities for obtaining a residence permit? 07.06.2010 The bank has filed a lawsuit against me to recover the debt. The penalties that the bank has calculated almost exceed the amount of the principal debt. Are bank’s actions legitimate? 01.06.2010 What is the procedure for obtaining licenses for commercial freight transport (blue license)? 01.06.2010 I am a non-citizen of Latvia. Can I buy land in the countryside on which the forest is located? 01.06.2010 Our company decided to rent premises for the needs of the cafe. We submitted documents to the licensing commission to obtain a license for the retail sale of alcoholic beverages, but the licensing commission refused to issue such a license on the grounds that there is a previously registered license for the former tenant at our cafe. What should we do in this situation? 01.06.2010 Can a shareholder sell his shares in the LLC below the value specified in the message to the board so that other participants can use their preemptive rights? 27.05.2010 Is there any procedure how founders of an LLC can appeal a guarantee agreement signed by the chairman of the board? The founders believe that it was impossible to sign such an agreement, that it significantly worsens the financial condition of the enterprise, that the chairman of the board did not have the right to sign such an agreement without discussion with the founders. Details: the agreement was signed in 2008 without the participation of a notary, there was no information about it at the enterprise, not indicated in the annual report. 24.05.2010
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