I am divorcing my husband, so as not to delay the process, we were advised of such an option: my husband will write a notarized receipt where he undertakes to pay alimony and pay compensation for the co-owned apartment, whereas in a statement to the court we will indicate that we have no complaints against each other. Can we do this? 14.09.2010 In what cases can I exercise the right of refusal and return the goods, receiving my money back? 29.07.2010 Due to many reasons, I want to change the name and surname. Is it possible? 29.07.2010 How can I obtain a certificate confirming the absence of my criminal record? 05.07.2010 My boss decided to fire me, he informed me about it and asked to sign some documents, in the presence of other employees. I refused to sign any documents. It was on Friday. Over the weekend, I got sick. My illness lasted for about two months. At what point am I considered dismissed: when I was informed of dismissal or after the illness? 05.07.2010 A few years ago I took a loan to buy an apartment. Unfortunately, I can no longer fulfill my credit obligations. Can I declare myself bankrupt? 05.07.2010 A programmer was hired as an employee to work on a specific project. For several months he was paid a salary. After this period, it turned out that not only the work wasn’t completed, but he also made a lot of mistakes. He refused to finish the work, having submitted the letter of resignation. In order to complete the project and correct errors, other employees were attracted, and they had to be paid extra for completion and elimination of errors. Is it possible to recover the incurred losses from this employee, given that we had to pay twice for the same work? 05.07.2010 The company plans to reduce the number of employees. It is not possible to agree with employees. At the beginning of the dismissal procedure, employees start to get sick unexpectedly, bringing sick leave papers, at the same time they continue to come to work, and in reality they work for another company, and they have no signs of illness. What should we do, how can we cancel or invalidate a sick leave? 21.06.2010 The bank provided us with a mortgage loan, the main borrower of which is the husband. The property is also registered in husband’s name. The wife is the guarantor. The husband and wife do not live together, but officially the marriage is not dissolved. For two months now, the husband does not pay for the mortgage, which is why a debt to the bank has accumulated. Question: is it possible to reissue a mortgage loan to the wife with a re-registration of property rights to an apartment also in the wife’s name? Is bank consent required? What needs to be done for this? 10.06.2010 A shop refuses to sell me the product at a discount in exchange for a gift card. They claim that they have the right, according to their own rules, not to extend discounts on goods that are bought with gift cards. But a gift card is an analogue of the amount paid for it, correct? Does the store violate retail rules? There is no information on the price tag, gift card or store that discounts do not apply to gift cards. 10.06.2010